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Jun 25 2024

Nordic Nations Visit Joint Force Command Norfolk

Norfolk, Virginia – Friday 24 June 24. 

This week the NATO Military Representatives of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the United States, as well the Danish Chief of Defence and Danish Ambassador to the United States visited Joint Force Command Norfolk. Across the visits they were hosted by the Commander – Vice Admiral Doug Perry, United States Navy and the Deputy Commander – Rear Admiral Tim Henry, Royal Navy. Discussions focussed on the continued growth of Joint Force Command Norfolk, the challenges in ensuring peace and security in the Arctic and the incorporation of the Nordic Nations into Joint Force Command Norfolk.


The Commander, VAdm Doug Perry stated: “The visits to JFC Norfolk this week by the Military Representatives of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the United States, as well as visits from the Danish Chief of Defence and Danish Ambassador to the United States shows the significance of the work we do here at JFC Norfolk.”

“We are the NATO Headquarters responsible for the Atlantic and the Arctic and the discussions and meetings we’ve had this week will strengthen our co-operation, communication and our ability to deliver on collective defence. Seven out of eight Arctic nations are NATO Allies and only through working together can we ensure that tension in the Arctic remains low and that the rights of Arctic Nations are respected.”

Joint Force Command Norfolk was established in 2019 due the resurgence of Russian activity in the Atlantic and the Arctic. Additionally NATO also stood up its Joint Strategic Enablement Command which is located in Ulm, Germany. At the Vilnius Summit, NATO reaffirmed its commitment to the provision of three equally capable Joint Force Commands. 

Story by JFCNF Public Affairs

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