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Mar 6 2025

NATO’s Military Committee visit Joint Force Command Norfolk

March 5,2025 Norfolk, VA: NATO’s highest military body, the Military Committee visited Joint Force Command Norfolk today. The Commander, Vice Admiral Doug Perry welcomed the Chair, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone along with the 32 military representatives of NATO’s Allies. The Military Committee was briefed on JFC Norfolk’s Area of Operations, the largest in NATO, and the HQ’s growth in infrastructure, personnel all of which are driving a significant increase in the HQ’s operational capability. The Military Committee also received a tour of JFC Norfolk’s growing footprint, a visible representation of the journey that JFC Norfolk is committed to.


Vice Admiral Perry had this to say: “Today’s visit by the NATO Military Committee to JFC Norfolk was an invaluable opportunity for to highlight the vital work we are undertaking in the Atlantic and the Arctic. JFC Norfolk is on a clear trajectory of growth, both in terms of personnel and infrastructure; ultimately delivering increased operational readiness in the short term. I thank Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone and the Military Committee for their visit to JFC Norfolk.

The NATO Military Committee is the senior military body in NATO. Nations are represented in the body by their permanent Military Representatives, sometimes their Chiefs of Defence, and the role of the Military Committee is to provide military advice to the North Atlantic Council, which is NATO’s highest executive body. Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone is the current Chair, and the Chair is elected by the Chiefs of Defence of NATO’s Allies. 

Story by JFCNF Public Affairs

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JFC Norfolk
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490

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7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490