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Oct 22 2024

JFCNF bids farewell to Rear Admiral Tim Henry, Deputy Commander

Norfolk, VirginiaLast Thursday marked a milestone as JFC Norfolk said farewell to the Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Tim Henry of the Royal Navy. His three year tenure has seen a significant increase in our personnel and responsibilities to NATO. Rear Admiral Henry's leadership and vision has been the driving force behind our journey and our mission to deliver peace, security and prosperity for the Alliance. Joining in 2021 his successes have included securing the uplift in personnel to JFCNF and the continued delivery of NATO’s commitment to the provision of: “three equally capable Joint Force Commands under the direction of SHAPE.” This period of time also included the Russian invasion of Ukraine and NATO’s response to the deteriorating global security situation.

He stated: "It has been a singular honour to be able to shape the transformation of Joint Force Command Norfolk over the last three years. The tireless commitment of the past and present staff, along with the support of the nations and other HQs across NATO, has made our journey both enjoyable and successful. After six years abroad it is time for my family and I to come together back in the UK - but we leave the United States confident that JFC Norfolk will continue to grow from strength to strength and remain the linchpin in the most successful military alliance the world has ever seen."

 Rear Admiral Henry has been succeeded by Vice Admiral James Morley CB, also of the Royal Navy who had this to say: “It is an honour and a privilege to take up the post of Deputy Commander at Joint Force Command Norfolk. Having previously been the Deputy Commander at Strike Force NATO in Lisbon, I know for a fact NATO’s efforts in delivering peace, security and stability for the one billion citizens of the Alliance is more important and challenging than ever. I look forward to furthering the development of this headquarters, ensuring that we are ready to execute our responsibilities to NATO in the Northern Atlantic and the Arctic.”

Story by JFCNF Public Affairs

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JFC Norfolk
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490

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7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490