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May 23 2024

[Finnish Minister of Defence Visits JFC Norfolk ]

Norfolk, Virginia – The Finnish Minister of Defence, The Honourable Antii Häkkänen honoured Joint Force Command Norfolk with a visit yesterday. He was hosted by the Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Ignacio Cespedes along with other senior personnel. The Minister was briefed on Joint Force Command Norfolk’s continued growth and development.

Rear Admiral Ignacio Cespedes stated: “Joint Force Command Norfolk was honoured to welcome the Finnish Minister of Defence, The Honourable Antii Häkkänen to our headquarters. Finland is a vital ally in our efforts to ensure peace and security in the Arctic and we seek to deepen our already strong co-ordination and co-operation. Finland boasts an impressive, highly capable military and all of NATO is stronger with Finland as an Ally.”   

Finland joined NATO on 4 April 2023 and prior to their accession Finland was an Enhanced Opportunity Partner. As one of seven Arctic Nations in NATO, Finland has a vital role to play in NATO’s efforts in minimising tension and promoting dialogue in the region. 

Story by JFCNF Public Affairs

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JFC Norfolk
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490

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7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490